Congregational Stewardship

Events and Resources

Narrative Budget Guide


Looking to try something different with stewardship discussions in your congregation? If so, check out our Narrative Budget Guide. With a narrative budget, you tell—or better yet, show—members how their gifts are being used and the difference they’re making, using stories and photos to highlight the connection between mission, ministry, and means in your congregation. The budget then becomes part of a bigger congregational story about your life in Christ, not just a list of line-item figures.

The guide includes step-by-step suggestions, Scripture verses on stewardship, and an example of a simple narrative budget. Please feel free borrow any text that might be useful in creating your own guide. (If you need an editable version, contact Jackie Schaefer, Communications Specialist, at

Narrative Budget Guide


“What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9).

“I Will…With the Help of God” is a nine month (36 inserts) resource to help families and/or congregations examine and practice habits which should be present by the power of the Spirit in our Christian lives. Visit the Living Planted Resources page to download the complete set of inserts.

The habits encouraged are:

Meditating on God’s Word
Praising and Giving Thanks to the Lord
Being Generous
Sharing the Faith
Being Welcoming
Forgiving as we Have Been Forgiven
Encouraging Other Believers
Waiting on the Lord

Placed for a Purpose Bible Studies and Sermons

Placed for a Purpose is a four-session stewardship series that focuses on our vocation as Christian stewards, called to serve our neighbors. Using the framework of Luther’s three estates of church, state, and home, the series explores the following questions: What does the Bible say about serving our neighbors in various spheres of life? Who are our neighbors? What do they need? How can we help?

Please feel free to use the resources below in whatever way they’re most helpful.



MissionInsite reports are FREE demographic studies sponsored by LCEF and available through the District. These reports provide an overview of a community based on population trends, economic factors, attitudes of residents, and more. Congregations can request reports by zip code or within a certain distance of their location. To request a report, contact Tami Lierz in the District Office at

LCMS Resource: Stewardship from A-Z

The LCMS Stewardship Ministry page is filled with helpful resources for stewardship, including a collection of “A-Z” PDFs on the topic. The PDFs are organized into four sections:

Theology of Stewardship
Bible Studies, Sermons and Pastoral Aids
Nuts and Bolts
Practical Wisdom

Options are available to download the whole collection or just single sections.


Lutheran Companion to Financial Peace University


Is your congregation interested in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University? If so, check out the new companion guide from LCMS Stewardship: Preview and Review of Financial Peace University, by Rev. Jonathan Conner. The guide aims to supplement FPU by reminding participants of the Lutheran perspective on God’s gifts even as they’re encouraged to work through the practical wisdom of Ramsey’s “baby steps” approach.

You can find the resource on the LCMS Stewardship page.


Recommended for Pastors: The Chief Steward


Looking for something new to read on stewardship? Rev. Nathan Meador of LCMS Stewardship Ministry recommends The Chief Steward: A Manual on Pastoral Leadership by J.E. Hermann. The manual was published in 1951, but Rev. Meador says it’s still worth a read today. The 68-page manual devotes chapters to Christian stewardship, the pastor as chief steward, pastoral leadership, and “the parish program,” among others.

To access a free downloadable copy, click HERE.


Staff Contacts

Shannon Fender
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 1001