President's Office

President Justin A. Panzer

Rev. Justin Panzer began serving as president of the LCMS Kansas District in the summer of 2019. He was elected as president during the June 2022 District Convention. Prior to serving as president, Rev. Panzer served Faith, Abilene from July 2003 – January 2020. Rev. Panzer was a member of the Kansas District Board of Directors for four years, first serving as second vice-president (2015-2018) and then as first vice-president (2018-2019). He is a 1996 graduate of the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Science in education and a 2003 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He also spent one year in a seminary exchange program with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England (ELCE) from 1999-2000. President Panzer and his wife, Shelli, have two children, Eli and Grier.

About the Office of District President



Supervises the doctrine, life, and administration of the rostered workers of his district

Visits the congregations of the district in his ministry of ecclesiastical supervision

  • Is to visit each congregation at least once every three years with the assistance of the circuit visitors and vice-presidents
  • Seeks to bring about to the greatest possible degree the achievement of the Synod’s objectives as expressed in Article III of its Constitution
  • Exercises ecclesiastical supervision which includes “visitation, evangelical encouragement and support, care, protection, counsel, advice, admonition, and, when necessary, appropriate disciplinary measures” (LCMS Bylaw 1.2.1[i])

Inquires into the prevailing spiritual conditions of the congregations of his district

  • Advises congregations as to the calling of ordained and commissioned ministers, gives counsel, and responds to requests and inquiries

Represents the Synod in his district

  • Causes the resolutions of the Synod to be implemented in the district
  • Serves as liaison between the congregations, district and Synod

Represents the Synod in connection with ordinations, commissionings and installations

Is the chief executive of the district

  • Is responsible for implementing the resolutions of the district


Contact Information

Rev. Justin A. Panzer
785-357-4441, ext. 5001

Tami Lierz
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 5001