Kansas District Life Ministry

In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me ... " (Ps. 139:16).

I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me a body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them.

Martin Luther

Small Catechism (II, Art. 1)

Holy Scripture in its entirety proclaims the works of God: Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. As Christians we confess in our vocations the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to speak God’s truth in this world and to act on behalf of the helpless, to seek to proclaim the God-given value of human life in our words and deeds. In this Christian life we at times may need assistance or support in proclaiming the sanctity of human life. In response to this need, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has asked each district to identify a pastor to serve as District Life Coordinator.

The District Life Coordinator (DLC) serves as a point of contact between congregations, church workers, and lay people of the District, connecting them with resources of the LCMS such as Eyes of Life and LCMS World Relief and Human Care as well as affiliated ministries such as Lutherans for Life. The Life Coordinator shares information on these resources and highlights news and events happening within our communities and state. In coordination with the District Office, the Kansas DLC will schedule and plan a District March for Life event either on or near the date of the State March for Life.

Meet the Kansas District Life Coordinator


Pastor Ian Kinney was appointed to serve as Kansas District Life Coordinator in 2022. A native of Belleville, Illinois, Pastor Kinney attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; he graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work and a minor in classical languages. After working for a year as a clinician at a mental health and narcotics agency, Pastor Kinney enrolled at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana (CTSFW). In 2021, he completed his education at CTSFW and received a call to serve as pastor of the parishes of the Northeast Kansas Partnership, where he serves now.

In 2018, Pastor Kinney married his wife Hannah; they have three children. If you have any questions about issues pertaining to the sanctity of life, Pastor Kinney can be reached at pastoripkinney@gmail.com.


The 2025 Kansas District Life Conference will be held Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Topeka. The 2025 Kansas District Life Conference will once again be held in conjunction with the 2025 Kansas March for Life. The keynote speaker is Rev. Jeffrey Hemmer, pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Ill. Rev. Hemmer is also an assistant to LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C, Harrison, and is the author of the book Man Up!: The Quest for Masculinity.

Registration is open! Visit the 2025 Life Conference page to register and find more information. You can also see photos from the 2024 Life Conference and March/Rally for Life. A few photos from the 2024 Life Conference and March/Rally for Life are also found below (hover over a picture and click on the + plus sign to enlarge the image.)

The Kansas District Life Conference, launched in 2019, is held every year in Topeka in January. The conference includes short worship services, presentations from one or two guest speakers, and vendor displays. 

News and Resources


Embryo Adoption
What is embryo adoption? How does it work? Is it okay for Christians to participate or to advocate for this practice? If you or someone you know has asked these questions, check out the LCMS article below. You can find additional information at Lutherans for Life and Lutheran Family Services of Iowa.

What About Embryo Adoption?

Presidents Respond to The Equality Act 
The proposed “Equality Act,” which prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity, passed in the U.S. House in late February 2021 and now awaits a vote in the Senate. The legislation has raised serious concerns regarding implications for Christian individuals and faith-based organizations. Read more from Kansas District President Rev. Justin Panzer and LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison below.

Letter from President Panzer

Statement from President Harrison

LCMS Document on COVID-19 Vaccines
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recently released “The LCMS and COVID-19 Vaccines: Facts and Considerations,” prepared by Commission on Theology and Church Relations in collaboration with Office of National Mission’s Life Ministry. The document addresses questions and concerns about the vaccines in relation to the sanctity of life and religious freedom. In a pastoral letter about the document, Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison noted, “The Synod does not have an official position on such vaccines at this time. Official decisions of this nature come through the Synod acting in convention, and no convention action has yet been taken. However, our church body remains firmly committed to the sanctify of life, and we continually seek to advocate for pro-life positions in the public square.” President Harrison encourages everyone to read the document, which can be found here.

Have you seen the movie Unplanned? This powerful film takes a hard look at the horrors of abortion and the gift of God’s grace and forgiveness. Whether you’ve seen the movie or are planning to see it soon, Lutherans for Life is proud to offer several resources to aid you in understanding the film from the Lutheran perspective of Law and Gospel. The resources even include a study guide for your church’s small group.

LFL Unplanned Resources



Pr. Ian Kinney
District Life Coordinator


Starting in 2022, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will match $1 million in funds dedicated by our congregations for their local pro-life action and activity, including caring for women in crisis pregnancies and providing support for moms, dads and babies. To learn more about this exciting new opportunity, watch the video or click the link below.

Reporter Article


Lifeline Children’s Services equips families who are interested in providing vulnerable children with a Gospel-centered home. The organization works in 16 states, including Kansas, offering help with adoption, foster care, orphan care, counseling, and training. If you or your congregation are interested in learning more about these services, check out Lifeline’s website.
