West and Central Africa Partnership
Click the links below to access the 2024 Pentecost Offering Bulletin Insert, Announcements and Collect!
Supporting Theological Education in Guinea and West Africa!
For 27 years, LCMS Kansas District congregations have supported the growth of God’s kingdom in Guinea and West Africa. Through the 2023 Pentecost Offering and designated funds, a total of $50,000 was sent by the Kansas District in support of the West Africa partnership!
Construction began in April 2023 on the two main seminary buildings in Guinea, and progress continues. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the current group of students and supervisors remains in the existing church facility while construction is completed. Praise God for His provisions!
Other updates from Guinea and West Africa include repairs for the Saint Paul School near Guéckédou, Guinea, after suffering damage from violent storms in May 2023. LCMS Disaster Relief and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guinea (ELCG) provided repair work to the school. The Care of Souls Hospital & Prison Ministry continues to meet the material and financial needs of patients and prisoners by providing food, clothes, Bibles, mats, soap, and medical supplies.
An abundance of mission work is taking place in Guinea and West Africa, and there is still much to be done! Please consider participating in this year’s Pentecost Offering, and supporting the great work being accomplished (ways you can donate are listed below.) The offering will be used to continue supporting the Guinea seminary, as well as the provision of Lutheran education and resources to the people of Guinea and West Africa.
The 2024 Pentecost Offering Bulletin Insert is available on this page, along with editable Pentecost Offering Announcements and Collect.
Please continue to pray for God to provide strength and guidance for the Guinea and West Africa students, pastors, families, missionaries, and church planters, and may He abundantly bless their efforts.
Here is how you can give to the 2024 Pentecost Offering:
1. Give during your church’s offering on Pentecost Sunday, May 19.
2. Donate online by clicking the red “Donate” button (top or bottom of the page), which will take you to our secure online donation page. (Choose “Pentecost Offering” from the dropdown fund menu.)
3. Mail a check with “Pentecost Offering” in the memo line to the LCMS Kansas District (1000 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66604-1104).
Thank you so much for your support!
A Visit to Guinea
In November 2022, LCMS missionaries Rev. Gary and Stephanie Schulte visited the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guinea (ELCG). During this time, Rev. Schulte introduced 31 pastors and church leaders to “Thru the Bible,” a lesson plan which pastors can use to lead Bible studies for their congregations.
In the classroom/office building across the way, Stephanie Schulte taught Community Health Evangelism (CHE) classes to about 20 women, mostly wives of the pastors. The CHE courses provide health education and awareness, and an opportunity for the women to teach back the lesson. (Photos courtesy of John Wolf, Africa Region Project Manager, and Rev. Gary and Stephanie Schulte)
Rev. Gary Schulte teaching “Thru the Bible” courses to the pastors at the Lutheran church in Guéckédou.

Francophone Africa Unpacked
Rev. Gary and Steph Schulte, LCMS missionaries in West and Central Africa, provide an excellent overview of the work in the region in this video, recorded in February 2021. Use it for a Bible study, watch with a small group, or watch on your own. We’ve put together a one-page video guide (with time markers) as a companion resource.
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“We need shepherds to strengthen these churches. Now is the time.”
Rev. Gary Schulte, Theological Educator
West and Central Africa