District Resources for Congregations
Mission Commitment to Support District & Synod
Each fall, all congregations are given the opportunity to pledge mission support to Synod and the Kansas District for the upcoming year. Of every dollar received by the District, at least 28% is sent to Synod as unrestricted support. Congregational commitment forms are mailed to all congregations in September. This information is beneficial to the District Board of Directors as they finalize the ministry plan and budget for the upcoming fiscal year. You can send in your commitment form any of the following ways:
- Mail your form to LCMS Kansas District, 1000 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66604
- Fax your form to 785-357-5071
- Email your form to Shannon Fender at shannon@kslcms.org
- Call Shannon at 785-357-4441, ext. 1001
Guide to Kansas Sales Tax for Religious Organizations
The following guide provides a summary of sales tax matters that may affect your congregation, school or RSO. Included in the guide is information pertaining to tax exemption for purchases of goods and services, tax exemption for construction projects, and the collection of sales tax.
Please note that the LCMS Synod’s federal group exemption does not cover your organization for sales tax. These state exemption certificates are applied for by each congregation, school or RSO on their own behalf. Please consult the Kansas Department of Revenue regarding your specific situation and its taxability (contact information for the Kansas Department of Revenue is found in the guide).
Kansas Sales Tax Exemption
Need help with Kansas sales tax exemption? Check out this detailed guide from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
Kansas District Fiscal Year
The District will close its 2024 fiscal year on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Any receipt received after that date will be credited to the fiscal year 2025 for your congregation. In order to meet the standards for a not-for-profit corporation audit, we cannot credit any 2024 mission gift received after the close of our fiscal year, so please work to meet this deadline. If you are sending any 2025 gift prior to January 15, please indicate that the gift is for 2025 so that we may credit it correctly for your congregation.
Lutheran Witness Subscriptions
Subscription renewal packets are typically sent in late July or early August to each congregation. Renewals, cancellations, additions and address changes are due back in the District Office by August 26. Billing statements are sent in October, and payment is due by December 31.
Remittance Vouchers and Year-To-Date Statements
Every check from your congregation that is payable to the Kansas District LCMS should be accompanied by a completed remittance voucher to ensure the money is credited properly. You may write one check for all categories (Mission Commitment, Ash Wednesday, Reformation, Lutheran Witness, Convention Assessment, Conferences, etc.) as long as the voucher is marked accordingly. Remittance voucher forms are available here, or you can call Shannon Fender at 785-357-4441, ext. 1001.
Year-to-date statements are sent to congregations quarterly. Please carefully check your congregation’s statement sent and call the Business Office if any changes need to be made.
MinistryFOCUS Grants
MinistryFOCUS, a grassroots organization within the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), has established a loan repayment assistance program (LRAP) for rostered church workers of the LCMS carrying at least $20,000 in educational loans. For more information and an LRAP application, visit the MinistryFOCUS website, or contact Ken@MinistryFOCUS.org. The application deadline for grants is December 31.
Salary Guidelines
The 2025 Kansas District Salary Guidelines are now available. To download, click the link below. If you have any questions about the Salary Guidelines, contact Heather Williams at 785-357-4441 or heather@kslcms.org.
Compensation Tool
The Compensation Decision Support Tool, developed by Concordia Plan Services, is designed to provide you with the data you need to make sound decisions about church worker compensation. Follow the links below to get started. (User name and password provided on the site.)
Use the “Churches” link for compensation data on pastors and parish professionals (e.g., Director of Christian Education, Director of Christian Outreach, Deaconess, Director of Family Life Ministry, Director of Music and Lay Minister). Use the “Schools” link for educators in the schools.
Compensation Decision Support: Churches
Housing Allowance
Housing allowance for Pastors and Commissioned Ministers should be approved by December 31 in order to obtain the full annual benefit of housing allowance exclusion for the coming year. The designation should be adopted during a regular or special meeting of the church board and should be contained in the minutes of the meeting. A worksheet for calculating the housing allowance is included in the Congregational Treasurer’s Manual.
2025 IRS Mileage Rate
Effective January 1, 2025: The IRS new mileage rates are 70¢ per mile for business and 21¢ per mile for medical. The Kansas District mileage rate, set by the Board of Directors, is 15 cents below the IRS rate, or 55¢ per mile. These new rates apply to mileage reimbursements paid to an employee on or after January 1, 2025, with respect to transportation expenses paid or incurred by the employee on or after January 1, 2025.
The rate used for charitable deduction purposes remains at 14¢ per mile.
Check Requests
For reimbursements from the District, please use the check request form below. In order for your check request to be processed, be sure to attach all necessary paperwork (e.g., receipts, contracts, board minutes, committee minutes) to the check request form. Mileage is reimbursed at 10 cents below the IRS rate. (For the current rate, see the “IRS Mileage Rate” item on this page.) Requests must be submitted to the District Office for payment within 30 days after events occur. If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office.
Rural Opportunity Zones
The State of Kansas has established Rural Opportunity Zones (ROZ), 95 counties in Kansas that have been authorized to offer one or both of the following financial incentives to new full-time residents: 1) 100% Kansas state income tax credit, and/or 2) student loan repayments up to $15,000 (over five years).
Visit the ROZ page on KansasCommerce.com to find more information, including a Rural Opportunity Zones map, eligibility requirements, and supporting documents. The ROZ webpage link is listed below.
How can congregations help?
The ROZ program allows private companies (including non-profits and schools) to sponsor ROZ participants. Sponsors help employees reduce student loan debt. Want to find out how to sponsor a ROZ participant? Visit the ROZ page for more information, https://www.kansascommerce.gov/program/taxes-and-financing/rural-opportunity-zones-roz
Business Office
Heather Williams
Business Manager
785-357-4441, ext. 1002
Shannon Fender
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 1001