Worker Resources
The documents here are intended to guide ordained workers through the call process. Please contact the President’s Office if you have any questions that aren’t answered here.
If you need to update your PIF (Pastor Information Form) or SET (Self Evaluation Tool), your first step is to contact Tami in the President’s Office. You can find more details about the process in the document below.
Council of Presidents Resources
A number of forms for workers are available only through a password-protected site. Those forms include:
- Annual Reporting Forms (Candidate and Emeritus)
- Application for Reinstatement
- Application for Candidate Status
- Explanation of Candidate Status
- Call Documents (Ordained and Commissioned)
Please contact Tami in the President’s Office for a link to the site, a username, and a password. The site link, in case you need quick access: Council of Presidents (COP) Resources.
Synod Resources
LCMS Handbook (2023 Edition)
Find the Synod Constitution, Bylaws, and amended Articles of Incorporation here, in the LCMS Handbook.
Preach the Word
The LCMS has developed a collection of video-based lectures and discussion guides that pastors, working in small groups, can use to strengthen their preaching. The eight modules address topics including the use of stories, handling of Law and Gospel, use of technology, and delivery. Click the link above for access to all the modules as well as a suggested plan for study, practice, and discussion.
PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support)
The Synod’s PALS program, operated collaboratively with districts, provides resources and support for pastors and their spouses in the first three years of ministry. PALS groups meet regularly with a experienced pastor to discuss topics in three areas: Preaching/Teaching, Pastoral Care, and Administration/Leadership.
President’s Office
Rev. Justin A. Panzer
785-357-4441, ext. 5001
Tami Lierz
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 5001