Mission Funding


Mission Grants

The Kansas District is committed to helping congregations and organizations pursue mission projects. To encourage these efforts, the District sets aside a percentage of its congregational receipts each year and makes those funds available in the form of mission grants. The grants vary in size, depending on the project, available funding and mission priorities, which in recent years have included church planting, ethnic ministry, and congregation-based efforts.

Recent Awards

In November 2023, the Board of Directors approved awards for the following projects:


  • Hispanic outreach (Wichita; Kansas City; Linn)
  • Campus ministry (Lawrence; Manhattan; Wichita)
  • Concordia Academy (Wichita)
  • Special programs and projects (e.g., Immanuel, Hepler shower addition comfort care station; Older Adult Committee events; outreach to deaf communities)

On the impact of mission grants:

“We sent 14 students to the Witness Conference in Fort Wayne, IN. The conference provided valuable witness and evangelism skills to our members. … Allowing students to attend the conference without having to cover the cost of registration and travel was a huge blessing. We were able to ensure that financial situations did not prevent any student from learning about this vital topic.”

Garrett Lister

K-State Campus Ministry

Help Support Kansas District Missions

Kansas District mission work is funded through a variety of sources, including annual congregational contributions, special campaigns (e.g., the Reformation Offering), and direct gifts from congregations and individuals. It’s amazing to see how the Lord uses His people—His “hands on earth”—to support the advance of the Gospel.

We sincerely thank all of you who have contributed to this important work!

If you would like to contribute a gift to Kansas District Missions, you can donate online (look for the button on this page) or send checks to:

LCMS Kansas District 
1000 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604-1104

If you’d like your gift to be used for a specific project, such as Guinea/West Africa or church planting, please indicate that in the memo line of your check. Gifts without a specific designation will go into our unrestricted fund and will be used wherever they’re most needed.

Missions Staff

Tami Lierz
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 5001

Reformation Offering

The Kansas District holds a Reformation Offering each year in support of the Eugene Schmidt Memorial Mission Fund, which provides funding for mission outreach right here in Kansas.

Below is the bulletin insert and editable announcements for the 2024 Reformation Offering.


2024 Reformation Offering Bulletin Insert

2024 Reformation Offering Announcements

Your generosity is very much appreciated! Click on the red “Donate” button below and choose “Reformation Offering” from the drop down menu on the payment page.