Evangelism and Outreach


Check out any recent study of religious affiliation in the United States, and you’ll see clear evidence of a growing mission field right in our backyard.

ALL believers have role to play in sharing the life-saving Gospel that Paul writes about in 1 Cor. 15:1-5:

“Now I would remind you, brothers, of the Gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”

We may not all be called to proclaim from a pulpit, but we can share the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection with others. The resources on this page can help make that job a little easier.

LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry

If you’re interested in enhancing witnessing efforts in your congregation or school, check out the LCMS’s Witness & Outreach Ministry webpage, which offers the following resources:

  • Weekly bulletin sentences (Year A, Year B, Year C)
  • Community canvass guide
  • A link to KFUO “Witness Wednesday” features
  • Reading recommendations
  • Brochures and videos describing Every One His Witness, a Lutheran evangelism program

Every One His Witness focuses on individual evangelism in everyday life, using a systematic, action-oriented model to equip Christians to be active and effective witnesses for Christ.

You can get Every One His Witness materials as a resource kit from Concordia Publishing House. The kit comes with an instructional DVD and materials (e.g., workbooks, journals) for 12 participants. If you’ve been looking for a cost-effective, practical, doctrinally sound resource for helping your congregation enhance its witnessing efforts, check out Every One His Witness. (Note: We have a kit in the District Office, if you’d like to take a look.)


Need help acquiring materials? Grant support is now available from the District for congregations, schools, and organizations interested in acquiring Every One His Witness materials. The grant process is simple; just download and complete the form below and send it to Tami Lierz in Missions and Stewardship.

Every One His Witness Mini-Grant Application

Jesus Door-2-Door (JD2D) is an evangelism program that teaches people how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and sends them out that same day to canvass the neighborhood (door-to-door) and put what they’ve learned into practice. Most JD2D events take place over a single day and are open to ALL PEOPLE (youth and adults) 6th grade and older. Activities which take place during a JD2D event include singing, Bible study, training, food, canvassing, and debriefing. Jesus Door-2-Door events must be organized by only congregations and/or church plants, as Word and Sacrament ministry is utilized to feed, sustain, and strengthen faith through these activities.

If you would like to learn more and/or schedule a JD2D event, please contact Rev. Timothy Koch, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Linn, via phone 785-747-7633 or email revtimkoch@gmail.com. You can also visit www.jd2d.org for more information, and click on the “How to Plan a JD2D Event (FAQ)” tab.

2025 Jesus Door-2-Door Events

Saturday, March 15, 2025: Trinity Lutheran Church, Holton

Every One His Witness is an awesome tool to equip laypeople and clergy alike to live out their vocations as Christ’s ambassadors to a world that desperately needs to hear about His love and forgiveness. The videos and discussion guides get rid of the anxiety of thinking you need a theology degree to share the Gospel.” 

Rev. Nick Cordt

Risen Savior Lutheran Church, Wichita

Missions Staff

Tami Lierz
Administrative Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 5001

Making Disciples for Life

Looking for additional resources? The Synod’s Making Disciples for Life Internet Resource Center allows you to search for resources by topic (e.g., Witness and Outreach, Church Planting and Renewal, Management and Leadership). Check it out!