Licensure Renewal

Your Guide to the Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)


About the IPDP Process

The Professional Development Committee (PDC) In-service Plan for the Kansas District and the Results-Based Staff Development Plans for schools are critical for developing the quality of education in any school. One area that has immediate impact on educators is their professional development.

All educators currently teaching in a Kansas District Lutheran School must have an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) on file in the Kansas District Office. Your file will include a copy of your current teaching certificate, an approved IPDP, and a transcript of your professional development (in-service activities recorded by the PDC and kept in your file).

This new plan is valid for the same period of time as your teaching certificate or license. When you renew your certificate or license, you must submit a new IPDP to the District Office along with a copy of your new certificate.

Strategies and activities must be listed in your IPDP for the PDC committee to award points on your professional development transcript. Understandably, it’s not possible to know all of the strategies and/or activities planned by your school for the next five years. You may revise your plan and send an amendment to the Kansas District Office at any time.

Because of the diversity of schools in our district, the focus of staff development is determined at each individual school.  Each staff develops an improvement plan to meet the needs of their students. Building principals give initial approval to educators’ plans and activities as they align with the school’s goals and objectives.

When to File a New IPDP

Every time you get a new license, you need to file a new IPDP. All teachers must have a license on file at the District Office.

Click here to access the Professional Development Plan.

Professional Development Council

Lottie Lee, Chair

Debra Doesken
Faith Lutheran School, Derby

Margie Krzesinski
Hope Lutheran School,

Lori Leonardi
Trinity Lutheran School, Atchison

Miranda Mondary
Hope Lutheran School, 

Gwen Thomas
Holy Cross Lutheran School, Wichita

District Contacts

Lottie Lee, Chair

Miriam Wehling
Youth Ministry Coordinator & School Services Assistant
785-357-4441, ext. 2001