Homeschool Resources
Resources and recommendations for homeschooling
Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Below you will find a document listing homeschooling resources which includes curriculum suggestions, websites to visit, and podcast and book recommendations.
Also included in the document are suggestions to common questions asked by those interested or currently homeschooling, such as how to begin, what curriculum to use, homeschool co-ops, and how congregations can promote a homeschool co-op. (credit is given to Rebekah Wright for preparing this document.)
Please use discretion when considering all non-Lutheran resources for theological content. We recommend that you visit with your local pastor if you have any questions.

Orbis Concordiae: The Realm of Concordia Residency Program
As part of their Classical Lutheran High School curriculum, Concordia Academy-Wichita (CAW) offers both a part-time and full-time high school residency program option for families living outside the Wichita area, and all across Kansas. This is an excellent opportunity for Lutheran families who seek a classical Lutheran high school education for their children.
To learn more, visit the Concordia Academy-Wichita website at
*Offers classical Christian curriculum and resources.
*Offers classical Christian curriculum and resources.
*Offers religious curriculum.
*Offers a variety of homeschool specific curriculum.
*Offers classical Christian curriculum.