Disaster Response
"Let us never weary of doing good." (Gal. 6:9-10)
Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) Events
March 29, 2025
Administrator Training
Location: King of Kings Lutheran Church (306 E. Madison St., Gardner, KS 66030)
Time: 9 a.m. – noon
Contact: Donna Williams, ksddrc@gmail.com
Registration fee: FREE
This training is for LERT Leadership Team members and others who are interested in utilizing the LERT volunteer system to create events and manage registrations from an administrative perspective. This is a closed event, by invitation only. If you wish to receive an invitation, please contact Donna Williams.
April 26, 2025
Assessments Training
Location: King of Kings Lutheran Church (306 E. Madison St., Gardner, KS 66030)
Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Contact: Donna Williams, ksddrc@gmail.com
Register: https://www.lcms-lert.org
Registration fee: $10
This training is for LERT Team members who are interested in the work of assessing job sites in preparation for team deployments to locations within an affected area following a disaster. Requirements include completion of Basic LERT Training, and if possible, the Basic Chainsaw Safety and Operation Course. Both classroom and field work are included in this course, so please come prepared to be outdoors in the afternoon. A very basic introduction to the new assessment software will also be provided as time allows.
October 25, 2025
Train the Trainer
Details: TBA
Contact: Donna Williams, ksddrc@gmail.com
January 23-24, 2026
LERT Leadership Retreat
Location: Kansas District Retreat Center (475 Trail Road, Herington, KS 67449)
Time: Friday, 7 p.m. – Saturday, 3 p.m.
Contact: Donna Williams, ksddrc@gmail.com
Interested in helping out when disaster strikes? If so, think about attending a Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) training session or deployment opportunity. For questions about any of these events, contact Kansas District Disaster Response Coordinator Donna Williams at ksddrc@gmail.com.
If you have questions and/or would like to schedule a visit (new or established teams) or inquire about scheduling or attending a LERT Basic Training or Basic Chainsaw Safety class, please contact your Kansas District Disaster Response Coordinator Donna Williams, ksddrc@gmail.com. Also check out our Facebook pages (LERT Kansas District & Lutheran Early Response Team – Northeast KS) for current information and updates.
Hurricanes Helene & Milton: How to Help
In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the LCMS Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricanes.
Kansas District congregations and schools are encouraged to prayerfully consider taking up a special offering to support our brothers and sisters in the LCMS districts affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:
LCMS Mid-South District: https://mid-southlcms.org
LCMS Southeastern District: https://se.lcms.org
LCMS Florida-Georgia District: https://flgadistrict.org
Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery.
Other ways congregations and schools can help are by putting together hygiene kits for those districts affected. Below is a list of items needed for hygiene kits.
Please ship assembled kits to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (6175 St. Peter’s Church Road, Conover, NC 28613). The church office number is 828-256-2970.
Hurricanes Helene & Milton Hygiene Kits
- Ziplock 1 gallon food storage bags
- Fabric adhesive bandages
- Shampoo – 1.7 fl.oz.
- Hand sanitizer – 1 oz.
- Disposable travel toothbrush / toothpaste kits (individually wrapped)
- Bath soap – 3 oz. bar
- Nail clipper
- Pocket combs
- Wash cloths
- Hand towels
For questions contact Donna Williams, the Kansas District Disaster Response Coordinator, at ksddrc@gmail.com.
Flood Relief
Several groups have recently participated in flood bucket projects in the Kansas District, which has enabled us to respond quickly in disaster situations and prepare to meet future needs. (A good supply of buckets remains on hand in the District Office; thank you to everyone who has contributed!) If you’d like more information on assembling flood buckets, click the link below for instructions and a supply list.
Kansas District Disaster Fund
The Kansas District Disaster Fund is used to respond to natural and manmade disasters as directed by the Board of Caring Ministry. District disaster funds are used to provide the following services:
- Congregational preparedness and Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) training
- Building relationships with other disaster partners
- Emergency, relief and development grants
- Pastoral care for LCMS church workers and members who have been involved in a disaster
- Resources (volunteer coordination, donation and equipment management)
We thank you for your support of the Kansas District Fund! If you’d like to make a contribution to assist with our various disaster ministries, you can donate online or send a check payable to LCMS Kansas District with Kansas Disaster Fund in the memo line to:
LCMS Kansas District
1000 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66604
LCEF can help, too!
Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has a Disaster Assistance Program available for eligible LCMS ministries and rostered church workers in natural disaster areas. The program provides assistance in the form of loans (new or adjustment of existing LCEF loans) and/or facility redesign, repair and construction.
To learn more, visit the LCEF Disaster Assistance Program page or call 800-843-5233.
Disaster Response and Ministry with Comfort Dogs
The Kansas District maintains a relationship with various comfort dog agencies to help in responding to disasters and critical incidents. Comfort dogs are useful in breaking down barriers and building bridges to those suffering from the trauma of living in a world corrupted by sin and the resulting critical incidents and disasters. Trained Comfort Dog teams are available to be deployed due to disaster or critical incident at the discretion of the District Disaster Response Coordinator (DDRC). The DDRC will determine the closest or best suited comfort dogs to be deployed to the location of need. The Kansas District has funds to cover the cost of Disaster Response deployments for that are directed and approved by the DDRC.
Don’t wait for a disaster! Comfort Dog teams love to visit schools, preschools, churches and other groups. These visits are good training for the comfort dogs and their handlers. While the expenses for such visits are not covered by the District, we encourage you to invite them for a visit. They are always willing to work with you regarding related expenses. Two of these agencies are listed below:
Kansas Lutheran Comfort K9 Ministry
Carolyn Buono
Cell Phone 785-633-3678
Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) K-9 Comfort Dogs
LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Webpage
Contact for Keren Comfort Dog
Carol Kratzer, jckratzer@yahoo.com
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, KS
Since these organizations are completely self-supporting, we ask that you consider how you might continue to support this vital ministry. Please contact them directly if you have questions or would like to contribute.
Kansas District Disaster Response Coordinator
Donna Williams
Zion Lutheran, Newton, KS
Give Online
Thank you for your help!
LCMS Disaster Response
Click this button to register and get more information about LERT events.